Thursday, October 15, 2009

Seo Tips To Improve Organic Traffic!

Every online business owner should be aware of a few simple seo tips that they themselves can implement to increase their search engine ranking. Often times in haste to improve any off or online business people will rush to hire an (overpriced) consultant.
Without question search engine optimization is important for any person or entity wanting to increase their ranking with the search engines. Of equal importance however is developing a basic understanding of how seo works and why.
By quickly introducing outside consultants to address this need for us we tend to sidestep this learning process ourselves. This ends up costing us both a valuable education and money. Let’s have a look at a few basic seo techniques we ourselves can implement that should improve both our search engine ranking and our budget.
As trite as this step may seem to many in the process of setting up their online business it is really a critical step. The name selected should, if possible, reflect what the site or business is about. As a rule the more specific you can be the better chances you’ll have to get your site indexed quicker. Also it is wise to keep your domain as short as possible.
The temptation to get too ‘cute’ with a catchy name should be avoided at this stage unless it is directly related to your site, business, or perhaps one of your products.
This lets the search engines know what your site is about. This is the first thing a search engine will see and it will be judged upon the relevancy it has to the content of your website. It is highly recommended to insure your most important keywords are located in the title tag to increase the relevancy between the site and title.
The keywords you select should all be relevant to the content of your site itself. Your choice of keywords is critical so be sure there is a DIRECT relationship between these words and your sites intent.
Close attention should also be paid to the way the words are used within the site content and the frequency of their use. Be sure your selected words are used naturally as would be the case in a casual conversation and take note NOT to use them too frequently.
Overuse could get your penalized by the search engines thereby lowering your search engine rankings. If the need to frequently use some words due to their relevance arises, have a list of synonyms available for substitution.
A keyword density of between 2 and 5 percent is a suggestion margin to target to both accurately reflect your sites content and keep you in ‘good graces’ with search engines.
Links that come from external sites reflect to search engines how popular, relevant, or important your site is. The more links you have (within reason – don’t go overboard) the higher regard search engines tend to have for your site. This usually results in a higher ranking for your site.
When leaving a link back to your site at other sites you’re visiting it is recommended to use keywords from your site in the anchor text.
These simple seo tips we’ve discussed here today should greatly improve the optimization of your site if this techniques haven’t already been implemented. Paying attention to the content of your site and how you use your keywords will definitely enhance your standings in any search engine rankings.

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